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20673highscore threadnumber of bans?
or is this some kinda speedrun category
420647>>507/bun/ 1 month anniversary soon
23231>>500500 for otter
16982>>50You Should Never Touch a Whale
351664>>475new aya
1299075>>482can feel myself getting rabid cos you deleted a thread that was never actually deleted anywhere cos actually it's on 711 chan ww
how fuckin dare you do that
3170641000 posts!You'd almost think this board is alive!
168359>>814I DID MY TIME
722905>>936there was this anime ~6months ago or something that I saw an episode of
it was like 4 main characters and each had a 'secret' like one was an ayy and one was a trap and something
it was some pretty generic comedy anyone know wtf I'm talking about? Can't find any trace of it looking around
957071>>93happy new years!!!
600195The Great Gensokyo MassacreCome join in on our game of the Great Gensokyo Massacre! Nominate your own character to duke it out with and against your favorite 2hu bitches.
106486>>843Is 2hu actually a good danmaku or is it babby's first? Are there any danmaku like it where you don't need bombs to beat it without dying?
1201460>>836How do we stop incels from shooting up this school?
1265501video gay links of VIP quality
2075346>>813you can bun my valentine
389315>>675nendoroid fumo wild sighting
81287>>763keyed turbogem